I was reading a book recently which included in one of its appendices a bunch of notes about how that book quotes from the Bible. In one of these notes, we are told that the author won't always quote whole verses, as if this should be a surprise to us. But it occurs to me that there are some people in some traditions that would expect Bible verses to be whole units, always used in their entirety, never divided.
So it is worth pointing out here that the versification of our Bible was not passed down from antiquity. I know less about the way that the Hebrew text was broken into verses. In any Hebrew Bible, you'll find a large symbol that looks rather like a colon called a "Sof Pasuq." This symbol is roughly equivalent to an English period, symbolizing the end of the phrase. (Hebrew is actually a lot more complicated than that in its phrasing, but this will suffice for today.) The verses of the Hebrew Bible match these Sof Pasuq, and as they've been passed down from antiquity, the division into verses is probably quite old.